
 Business Website Creator also includes:  

 Integrated Resource Manager  

The Resource Manager is a secure one-stop shop for easy page, folder and file resource management. The visual interface removes the complexity from file, page and folder management tasks. With the resource manager it is possible to upload new file resources in a single click and view thumbnails for easy image management. It is also possible to preview / edit pages with ease, define access rights to the contents of any given folder, move entire folder tree contents in a single click and much more.

The Integrated Resource Manager includes:

  • File Management
  • Folder Management
  • Image Management
  • Page Management
  • Resource Folder Tree Manager
  • User Group File and Folder Access Management

     Integrated User Administration:  

    The User Administration console enables the assignment of specific privileges to any person contributing to the website. Through an easy to use visual interface it is possible to quickly assign roles such as page authoring and editing, page approval, security and access management and folder management. BeeCOS technology allows multiple roles to be assigned to any one person, giving you total flexibility when it comes to delegating roles and responsibilities.

    User Administration includes:

  • Create / Edit / Delete / Activate / De-Activate User Accounts
  • Set Username / Password / First Name / Surname
  • User Account Notes
  • Automate User Account Expiry Manager (set date for expiry)
  • Integrated User Administration Search Engine (multiple search criteria available)
  • Integrated Granular Privileges Interface
  • User Group Membership Manager
  • Comprehensive User Details Manager
  • User Details Security Locking
  • User Driven Personal Settings Interface

     A Menus & Navigation Manager:  

  • Single Click Menu Manager
  • Dynamic Navigation Menu Management
  • Menu Creation & User Group Menu Access Manager
  • Menulink Integrity Engine

     Global Properties Manager:  

  • Single Click Style Sheet Manager
  • Email Server Output Settings Manager
  • Skin Selection Manager
  • Default Page Manager
  • Post Login Page Manager
  • Email Form Output Type Manager
  • Global Print Object Manager
  • Introduction Statement Manager
  • Page Insert Settings Manager
  • Page Column / Table Properties Manager

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